Administrative, Infrastructures, Managerial, LAN Computer Systems and, state of the art of Communication System provided by mg india
Registration No. S-.43105, under Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860 with Registrar of Societies, Govt. of NCT of Delhi.
Brief Profile of: R P MATTOO
Contact: Tel.: +91-11-25253185; Mobile: 98-102-43385; E-mail: &
Name of the Expert

P A M & E, CPM &
MIS, Project Management and
Planning, Sector
Analysis Expert.
Presently: President,
Natural Resources India Foundation (NRIF), Operating in 11 States
Viz.: NCT of Delhi;
Haryana; Uttar Pradesh; Uttranchal; J& K; Karnataka; Andhra Pradesh; Rajasthan; Maharashtra; Gujarat; Punjab…)
NRIF-Regd. Office:
93,GH-9 Pocket, Sunder Vihar, New Delhi-110087;
Consultant to :
Rohtak Institute of
Engineering &
Management, Rohtak (Haryana) India
Key Qualification and Experience
for the developmental role in all the stages of project cycle, relating to: Project
Formulation, Appraisal, Implementation, Evaluation, Ex-post Evaluation besides
building up backward-forward, vertical-horizontal linkages associated with the
project(s) in fields of: Agriculture, Environment, Rural Development, Forestry and
Rural Women Empowerment Development Projects.
DoRD, GoAP; & others.
During his tenure he has worked with several govt. developmental agencies
including community based NGOs, support network NGOs, bilateral, multilateral,
donor agencies and private consultancy company. His main areas of
specializations are decentralized governance, micro-level planning and
participatory project management. This combination of grassroots level experience
has developed in him the necessary skills to sensitively analyze, understand, plan
and develop rural development initiatives that are most suited to the needs of the
area and its people. He has worked in several projects related to the above-fields,
participatory natural resources management and poverty alleviation. He has also
been associated with all India projects and developed Statistical Survey Designs;
Project Planning; Economic & Financial Analysis; Poverty Alleviation; Cost of
Cultivation & Production Studies; Data Base Management Information System.
also as CHIEF TECHNICAL DIRECTOR and CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER (CTD & CEO) in the reputed organizations have been well recognized and appreciated.
As CTD& CEO, ETS had the overall charge for completing the following India
Report and, Sub-studies:
1. The new foresters- The role of private sector enterprise in the Indian forestry sector; #
2. Market-based instruments for sustainable management of medicinal plants; #
3. The second green revolution: analysis of farm forestry experience in western tarai region of Uttranchal and, and, coastal A P ; #
4. Demand and supply of selected forest products;
5. An assessment of the small-scale informal forestry sector;
6. Policies affecting sector participation in sustainable forest management; #
7. Current role and activities of the large-scale private sector in forestry;
8. Review of company-farmer partnerships for supply of raw material to woodbased industry; #
9. Potential for commercial production from forests under JFM; #
10. The role of policy for a and other stakeholders in influencing private sector participation in sustainable forest management;
11. Study of the process of forest policy change in Madhya Pradesh. #
Marked with (#) are published in full as separate reports
He has continued to maintain technical linkages with the selected institutes in
India, Italy (Rome) and Israel, and / or places wherever he has visited during his 30
years of illustrious career. His experience of working in the UN SYSTEM is an
added qualification to secure a respectable post in a reputed organization in this
LPG (liberalization, privatization & globalization) era. He has also been associated with teaching, research, extension and,
communication activities at the first Agricultural University of India (Pantnagar, the
then UPAU) for the Graduate and postgraduate-students; besides guiding them for
their Ph. D work. He has also carried out the crop-cutting experiments / estimates
for all the crops then grown on the university farm of over 16,000 acres. My
estimates submitted to the then Vice Chancellor set the precedents for the
university farm.
He has experience in handling management, overall co-ordination of Finance & Office Administration besides participating in developmental program operational work, initiation of new projects and the related matters. He is also capable of preparing participatory independent reports to highlight remedial measures required through appropriate project-specific SWOT analysis for any organization.

Ashok Kumar Raina
Engineer (Metallurgy) And Vice President, NRIF
He is an engineer with B.E. (Metallurgy), stood, Second in the University of Kashmir and, obtained Government of India Merits Scholarship. He has an experience of Teaching & Research for Four Years in Department of Metallurgy, Regional Engineering College, Srinagar, J&K State. He has participated in Project Implementation for three Years with Hindustan Zinc for: Debari Zinc Smelter. He has been for three years with Lurgi / Bihar Sponge Iron. His experience as Project / Technology for six years has been with Lurgi / MG Marketing, One Year with BST in Iran. He has been involved in Import of Zinc Conc. Four Years with Hindustan Zinc; Al. Rolling/Conductors One Year with Pennar, Hyderabad and, International Trading Eighteen Years with MG/Enron/Sempra

Surendra Kaul
Engineer (Mechanical) And General Secretary, NRIF
He has completed B.Sc from Calcutta University, B.E. (Mechanical) from, Allahabad University with Government of India Merits Scholar. He has a long and distinguished experience in execution of wide range of large size projects within the targeted time and cost. He has a good knowledge in environmental protection and safety norms in industries that are hazardous in nature. Details of his experience in the industry is listed below:- In Industry Five Years in design of Material Handling Equipment. In Consultancy Twenty-five years with the premier consultancy organization Engineers India Ltd. as Project Manager Executing a variety of projects. Some of the projects Successfully executed are listed below :
Petroleum Industry; Crude Oil Desalter project for ONGC; Crude Oil Stabilisation project for ONGC; In Situ Combustion project for ONGC; Gas Lift and Gas Injection projects for ONGC in the Gandhar oil fields; LPG Extraction projects of GAIL at Gandhar & Vaghodia Cross-Country gas pipelines for GAIL;CNG filling stations in Delhi for IGL Ethane Cracker and downstream units; Metallurgical Industry: Zinc extraction & purification plant for HZL at Vizag and Debari; Copper Ore beneficiation plant for HZL at Agucha; Rock Phosphate processing plant for RSMML at Udaipur; Coal Washery for CIL at Dugda Mica processing plant for MTCL at Jhumritellaiya.

Neeraj Garg
Software Engineer And Treasurer, NRIF
He has done his graduation in Computer Sciences from Hans Raj College, Delhi University and Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Sciences from Dept. of Electronics, Govt. of India. He has excelled in education all thru, stood 2nd in Delhi University and also topped India during PG Diploma from DOEACC. He has also successfully cleared certification from Microsoft to become Microsoft Certified Professional. He is presently doing business in the field of Information Technology industry focusing on IT infrastructure solutions and turnkey projects for Corporate, SME and Government sectors. He has experience of over 10 years in IT hardware, software & solutions industry. He is a Founder Member and Gen. Secy. of Shri Shalasar Education Society which focuses on pre-primary and primary education.
He is also founder of Rohtak Institute of Engineering and Management

Bushan Lal Punjabi
Management & Training Expert & Joint Secretary, NRIF
International Hospitability Management and Training Expert. Worked abroad in United Kingdom, Copenhagen, Denmark, Steigenberger, Frankfurter Hoff, Frankfurt, West Germany and, Nepal. Teaching Research, Extension and, Communication Expert. In charge Training in Jaypees’ Chain of Hotels at New Delhi. Hotel Residency, Manor, Mussoorie, Jaypee Palace Agra, in all the five star deluxe Hotels. Institute of Hotel Management, Nehru Park, Srinagar, J & K Govt.

Deepak Kaul
Engineer (CERAMICS) & Board of Director, NRIF
With B. TECH (CERAMICS, BHU), he has 10 years service career in a reputed company “ORINDS, Rourkela” and have gained experience and expertise in the field of Production of Refractoriness’, and their application oriented development in various types of industries especially steel, petrochemical and refineries, glass and ceramics etc.
He started business establishment in the year 1985 by names THERMO -TECH CERAMICS and THERMO TECHNOLOGIES PVT. LTD… Through this he has gained his own identity and prominence in industries located in the northern region of the country;He has also been involved in manufacturing plant is at Bahadurgarh, Haryana with have a H.O at Delhi. He mitigates the requirements mainly on thermal engineering materials e.g. refractoriness’, ceramic fiber , Cordierite , sic and etc. ; Besides, this, his experience in taking – up turnkey jobs in industries in the thermal engineering sector and have specialty and expertise in the field of ENERGY CONSERVATION”.

Vinay Kaul
Civil Engineering, & Former & Additional GM, RIICO & In – charge of the Special Projects Cell Special Economic Zones (SEZ)in Rajasthan, In charge, NRIF, Jaipur, & Board of Director, NRIF
Worked with Rajasthan State Industrial Development & Investment Corporation Limited (RIICO), Udyog Bhawan, Tilak Marg, Jaipur, since February, 1975 , till superannuation on 31 January 2008. Was in – charge of the Special Projects Cell handling specialized projects like Integrated Industrial Parks, dedicated estates viz., Special Economic Zones (SEZ) for Gem & Jewellery, Handicrafts, Apparel Parks, Export Promotion Industrial Parks (EPIP) at various locations. Conceptualizing, planning, obtaining requisite approvals and successful implementation of the EPIPs and SEZs at Sitapura (Jaipur), Boranada ( Jodhpur) and Neemrana (Alwar) have been my recent noteworthy achievements. The Special Economic Zones in Jaipur and Jodhpur are two of the few green field SEZs developed in the country and are now functional. He has successfully handled Projects worth Rs. 4500 million have been got sanctioned along with financial assistance from Central Government and National Capital Region Planning Board.
He worked earlier with Military Engineering Services, Government of India from August 1972 to February, 1975. Worked till August, 1972 with M/s. Tirath Ram Ahuja, Engineers & Contractors, on their project of Bharat Electronics Ltd., at Giaziabad under the consultancy of Tata Consulting Engineers.

Dr. Nirdosh K. Safaya
Consultant Pediatrician; PEDIA-CARE; Director on Board of NRIF
About 20yrs post–graduate, exposure, both in academic / teaching hospital oriented and later independent full time private hospital and office based private pediatric practice. Having worked in state Govt. Pediatric hospital for over two years as registrar and for a short while as Pediatric specialist in state Govt. District hospital. Also served as a Pediatric Specialist under Ministry of Health, Govt. of Iran. He is full time private pediatric practice in Noida and Delhi for over 18yrs now. My focus is mainly towards community Pediatrics from my office based out –patient consultant practice and also institute hospital based In–Patient independent consultant practice in the neighborhood private specialty hospitals.He is presently running two personal clinics; one in NOIDA and another in Mayur vihar III, East Delhi since last 18yrs. I render my consultation services (both ambulatory and hospital based) to over 50 patients a day.He has conducted many rural population based Health awareness camps from time to time which involved local heads of villages and women in particular regarding child Healthy nutrition and instituting essential vaccinations at community level free of charge. He along with other members of Indian Academy of Pediatrics (Noida Chapter) have also conducted health check ups in rural schools in western UP from time to time.